sunnudagur, september 24, 2006

Önnur snilldargrein um Jamie Oliver fasismann í Guardian í dag: Down with the kids.

"Here I am on the bus, drip-feeding my one-year-old some dried bits of knobbly cardboard masquerading as pure 100% amazingly tasty organic rice cake, and this woman pipes up: "You're killing your son with that stuff." "Sorry?" I say. "With that rubbish," she adds. "I said, 'You're killing your son with that stuff'."

Clearly this woman is just one of the stormtroopers of the new healthy eating fascism.
On You Are What You Eat the previous night, I'd seen a wizened Scottish witch telling a poor, put-upon mum that she was "killing her kids" because she didn't feed them beetroot gunk and lettuce sandwiches. The mum cried and the witch looked really pleased with herself.
What sort of lives do these preachy nightmare people think ordinary folk live? Jamie Oliver and that Dior woman on the bus and the wizened old witch can fuck right off and fuck off now. To me, it's an absolute miracle anyone gets up in the morning, gets their kids to school, gets them home, puts ANYTHING on the table other than an elastic band and a battery, and then gets them to bed without resorting either to violence or drinking copious amounts of alcohol from the stress of it all. This is what life is - not baking fairy cakes with lovely Jools in a gingham pinny."


Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Er persónulega í liði með Jamie Oliver og finnst frábært hvað hann hefur áorkað í UK. Þetta varð t.d til þess að mín börn fengu fjölbreyttara fæði en "chips", bakaðar baunir og custard í eftirrétt sem var megin uppstaða í skólamáltíðum í Aberdeen þar sem öll börn voru gráleit af næringarskorti.

Svo finnst mér þessi nýji ritstíll þreytandi, að reyna að vera kaldhæðinn, grumpy og á móti straumnum. Þetta er líka orðin tíska á Íslandi og er algjörlega mishepnað. Þá er það nú skömminni skárra á engilsaxnesku...

Er samt ekkert pirruð eða neitt þannig...


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